Dr Sophie Wallace (Perth, Western Australia) delivers the annual honorary John Hinds Trauma Lecture at the Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2018, in Titanic, Belfast.
Danny McAuley chairs an international panel discussion on the best critical care trials of 2017, at the Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2018, in Titanic, Belfast.
Professor Andrew Rhodes (London) discusses the latest iteration of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign at the Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2018, at Titanic, Belfast.
Prof Alexandre Biasi Cavalcanti (Sao Paulo, Brazil) discusses the ART trial, investigating recruitment manoeuvres in patients with ARDS, at the Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2018, at Titanic, Belfast.
Prof Alistair Nichol (Dublin \ Melbourne) discusses the TRANSFUSE trial, comparing fresh with standard issue red blood cells for transfusion in the critically ill, at the Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2018, at Titanic, Belfast.
Dr Jean-Baptiste Lascarrou discusses the MACMAN trial, comparing video laryngoscopy with direct laryngoscopy in the ICU, at the Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2018, at Titanic, Belfast.
Asst Prof Ashish Khanna (Cleveland, USA) discusses the ATHOS-3 trial, investigating angiotensin II in vasodilatory shock at the Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2018 in Belfast. Prof Anthony Gordon (London, England) provides a brief editorial afterwards.